Nazgob, Iron Moonz Shaman

Across Yss many orruk and grot shamans receive powerful visions from Gorkamorka, driving them to seek out the Toof beneath Skartoof Peak. These shamans cast off their loyalty to their tribes and make the long pilgrimage to Skartoof Peak in order to join other afflicted greenskin shamans to guard and tend to the Toof and the flora and fauna that thrives there.

Nazgob, Iron Moonz Shaman

Very few shamans have ever managed to gain control of the visions and leave the mountain. The last shaman to do so was Nazgob. Nazgob remembers little of his time at the Peak, and nothing of his original tribe. The only thing he could remember was his name and an urge to seek out a Megaboss named Urzod. It took months of wandering for him to find Urzod and the Iron Moonz. Nazgob offered his loyalty to Urzod upon meeting him, saying that he was there to assist Urzod in fulfilling his vision. Nazgobs presence was challenged by Urzods shaman Bogrot immediately.

Urzod quickly ordered them to duel to see who was best suited to serve him. Before Bogrot could get a word out, Nazgob had crushed him into a bloody paste beneath a colossal amount of Waaagh energy, along with a number of Bogrots grot assistants, which caused Urzod a great deal of amusement. Nazgob was welcomed into the fold thanks to his prodigious display of power and his cunning. Nazgob has held the position for three decades now, helping to oversee numerous victories and advising Urzod when needed. He has met numerous challengers and vanquished them all.

As time has gone by, small snippets of fleeting memories come back to him of his life before, of great hordes, empires of men, of blood and fire. Each time a small piece of the puzzle gets filled in of what feels like a distant memory from somewhere else…….

~ Mark Talmer

Homage to Nazgob: Part 1

Currently on the workbench is the early stages of my homage to Brian Nelson’s classic Orc Shaman, Nazgob. I’m oddly nervous about working on this guy. Nazgob is one of my favourite classic orc models, so the self imposed pressure to get him to look right without being a direct copy is quite palpable.

I’ve filled out the hollows in preparation for detailing his robes, belt and gubbins around his waist. I’ve grabbed as many reference pics as I can from various sources so as to make him as authentic as possible, while also putting my spin on him. Fingers crossed folk!